How I came to the bees or the bees to me
"If you want to see God's miracles, you have to go to the bees."
This saying comes to mind again and again, because a bee colony functions in a perfectly organized and harmonious way, without any discord or chaos. Each individual knows exactly what it has to do. This is just one of the many miracles that impresses me so much about these animals.
My name:
Christian Höller alias Gruaba z'Gruab
I have been trying my hand at beekeeping since 2017.
The idea of ​​bees has occupied me for many years. On March 25, 2017, the time finally came. After much thought and research into which hive system would be the right one, the decision was ultimately made to use the Dadant system and the first bees moved in with me. A decision that I have not regretted for a single second to date.
For me, it is not just the honey yield that comes first, but also the health and vitality of these important insects. The colonies are well supplied with winter food in the autumn and treated with organic acids to combat the Varroa mite.
For me, beekeeping is active nature conservation.